Båthus i solnedgang. Det gule båthuset i Hafrsfjord
© Brian Tallman Photography

About this website

The purpose of the website is to market and profile the Stavanger region as a travel destination.

About the website

Region Stavanger has created the website edgeofnorway.com to promote the region's member municipalities and business members. The purpose of the marketing is to visualise the attractiveness of the destination. We will also inform potential guests about the region. We use the site to build the brand for the Stavanger region - Edge of Norway™.

Website design and technical supplier

The design is developed by Fabel Media and the web pages are created by Netlife. Region Stavanger has full property rights to the name, concept and design. The content is created by Region Stavanger or together with member municipalities and member companies.

Use of content

Images and content are the property of Region Stavanger and may not be used by others without prior agreement. If you have any questions about the use of images and content, please contact info@regionstavanger.com.

Found something wrong?

Feel free to report any errors you find on the website. We appreciate being made aware if we have made a mistake, or if you think something is missing.


See also how to contact our employees here.